
大学历史: Timeline of 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 History



1844 George Williams founded the Young Men’s Christian Association in London
1851 First YMCA established in the United States (Boston)
1885 School for Christian Workers founded at Winchester Square in Springfield, 质量achusetts, by Rev. David Allen Reed, to train Sunday School teachers and administrators of YMCAs; tuition was free
1885 雅各T. Bowne creates and heads the School’s YMCA department and brings his extensive library of YMCA materials to the School
1886 First international student arrived
1886 The School completed construction of its first building at the corner of Sherman and State streets in Springfield, 质量. The Armory Hill YMCA rented space in the building for its operations.
1887 Luther Halsey Gulick pioneered the Department of Physical Education
1889 Luther Halsey Gulick developed the School’s inverted equilateral triangle logo, the basis for the YMCA’s official symbol, 代表精神, 心, 和身体
1889 一个新的运动场, located within five minutes' walk of the School building, 于5月1日安装.
1890 School for Christian Workers incorporated as the YMCA Training School
1890 Football introduced on campus by student-instructor Amos Alonzo Stagg
1891 YMCA Training School incorporated as the International YMCA Training School
1891 亨利年代. 李当选总统
1891 Thirty acres on Lake 质量asoit purchased
1891 詹姆斯·奈史密斯发明了篮球
1893 查尔斯年代. 巴罗斯被任命为总裁
1894 West (Judd)体育馆建成
1894 自行车俱乐部成立
1895 校友William G. Morgan invented volleyball in Holyoke, 质量achusetts
1896 First dormitory (present Administration building) constructed. 转移到新校区完成
1896 Laurence Locke Doggett named first full-time President
1896 学生会成立
1897-1900 协会展望已出版
1899 Nobody’s Business begins publication for students
1901 Boathouse erected as center for aquatics instruction
1901 校友Edgar M. Robinson appointed first national director of boys’ work for the YMCA
1902 亨利年代. 李死了
1902 国际讲坛组织
1903 International Society and Debating Society organized
1904 First gymnastics exhibition team organized
1904 伍兹大厅建成
1905 质量achusetts legislature gave permission to grant four degrees: bachelor and master of humanics and bachelor and master of physical education
1906 William Beckett, an African American, was the first graduate to receive a diploma
1906 格里什·格罗夫收购
1907 学生会成立
1908 Springfield Student first published
1909-1910 Philomathean Literary Society organized
1910 普拉特域创建
1910 President Laurence Doggett and alumnus Edgar M. Robinson (’01) helped found the Boy Scouts of America
1912 School changed name to the International Young Men’s Christian Association College
1912 第一次拉绳
1912 马什纪念馆
1913 麦考迪游泳馆建成
1913 Football spiral snap from the center to punter invented
1914 Wrestling and swimming begin at the College
1916 Number of years of study changed from 3 to 4, beginning in September 1916
1916 暑期课程开始
1916 First book on lifesaving, written by student George Goss, published
1916 铜管乐队成立
1920 首届初中毕业舞会举行
1920 工业部门成立
1920 New department of medical gymnastics established
1922 Seven acres of land on the south shore of Lake 质量asoit acquired
1923 Physical Education Annex and Weiser Hall built
1924 新生夏令营开始
1926 Bachelor of Science degree first granted
1927 校友 Hall, a men's dormitory, completed (architect George C. Gardiner)
1927 First Master of Education degree presented
1928 女性承认 to all summer courses including classes for coaching of track, 棒球, 和篮球
1928 Lake 质量asoit campsite purchased (now East 校园)
1929 First Master plan for future college adopted
1929 Peter Karpovich invented the natograph to test efficiency of swimming strokes
1930 East 校园 established to integrate the benefits of outdoor recreation, 冒险的培训, 聚焦人类发展, 户外小组作业, 团队建设计划
1932 Indian Pageant replaced the usual hazing of freshmen
1933 女性承认
1933 Ted Shawn, modern dance pioneer and founder of Jacob's Pillow, started teaching at the College.
1937 欧内斯特·米. 贝斯特成为总统
1940 赛艇队成为校队的一项运动
1945 Major blueprint for future development established
1946 保罗·林伯特被任命为总裁
1947 Memorial Field House brought to campus from upstate New York
1950 Abbey-Appleton Hall建成
1950 Doctor of Physical Education program begins
1951 Women first accepted as full-time students
1953 唐纳德·斯通当选总统
1954 Name officially changed to 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站
1954 New master plan and capital funds program developed
1958 格伦·H. 奥尔兹当选总统
1958 First endowed chair of physical education in the United States, Buxton Chair, awarded to the College
1959 贝弗里奇中心建成
1959 Doggett Memorial (President’s House) dedicated
1960 湖畔大厅完工
1960 马萨索伊特大厅建成
1961 校舍落成
1963 College adopts major Long-Range Development Plan
1963 College grants Bachelor of Arts degrees
1963 Women's intercollegiate athletic program begins
1964 国际馆建成
1965 Wilbert E. 洛克林当选总统
1965 联合医疗大楼落成
1967 Art Linkletter Natatorium constructed
1968 切尼大厅建成
1969 古力克大厅开幕
1970 达纳大厦竣工
1971 巴布森图书馆开馆
1971 汤尼健康中心成立
1972 布莱克履带完成
1973 Benedum领域
1975 贝米斯大厅建成
1979 Memorial Field House condemned and razed
1980 Women’s cross country and golf became intercollegiate sports
1980 兴建体育综合大楼
1983 富勒艺术中心落成
1988 School of Human Services established at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站
1989 已建成的联排别墅
1991 生活中心 & 研究生附件完成
1999 理查德·弗林被任命为总统
2010 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Celebrates 125th Anniversary
2013 Mary-Beth Cooper becomes 13th President of 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站
2017 Harold C. 史密斯公共学习中心启用
2023 健康科学中心开业