


Professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies / Graduate Program Director of Sports Performance
布莱恩•汤普森, faculty member in the strength and conditioning program
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill., 1998
  • Master of Science, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill., 1993
  • Bachelor of Science, Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., 1991

布莱恩•汤普森 is the director of strength and conditioning/head strength and conditioning coach, 运动科学教授, and the graduate coordinator for the strength and conditioning program at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站. 除了教学, he is responsible for the strength and conditioning program design and implementation for all teams at the College. Thompson began working in strength and conditioning in 1987 and has trained athletes at the elementary school, 中学, 高中, 大学, 专业, 残奥会, 和奥林匹克级别. He has presented and conducted strength and conditioning related workshops in Australia, 中国, 墨西哥, 台湾, 以及整个美国. 布莱恩•汤普森 was named by the National 力量与调节 Association 2021 College 力量与调节 Coach of the Year.

  • 高级力量和调理
  • 力量与调节
  • 力量和调理应用
  • Exercise Testing and Prescription for Special Populations
  • 压力管理
  • 测量与评价
  • Certified 力量与调节 Specialist (CSCS*D)
  • 注册力量及体能教练(RSCC*E)
  • 认证运动教练(ATC-ret)
  • 持牌运动教练(LAT)
  • 美国举重认证(USAW)
  • 功能运动系统认证(FMS)
  • National 力量与调节 Association Member
  • 全国运动教练协会会员
  • 精密营养认证(PN1)

Selected Works


  • 格思里,B,菲尔兹,JB,汤普森,B & 琼斯,太. Physical Performance Assessments of 强度 and 权力 in Women Collegiate Athletes. International Journal of Exercise Science 14(6): 984-993, 2021.
  • Jenkins CL, Ouellette K, Thompson B, Mullin E, Leinung M. Performance in Transgender Females Versus Cisgender Males and Females. 地球物理学报,2020;23(6):62-76.
  •  Benham-Marin N., Sotir, S.汤普森,B.奥尼尔,E.  The Effects of the Menstruation Cycle Phases on Vertical and Horizontal Lower Body 权力 Output in Female Division III Athletes.  Poster and Abstract Presented at the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition:  印第安纳波利斯, IN, 7月14日, 2018.
  • 邓普西,K.B冬天,C., & 奥尼尔,E.  Effects of Acute Resistance Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Central Blood Pressure in Women.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 50(Supplement), May 2018.
  •  砍伐树木的人,我., Sotir, S.,欧莱特,K,波隆,V. J., & 汤普森,B. (2018) Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction and 权力 Development of the Lower Body. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,  49 (5s), S14.
  • 奥尼尔,E.罗伊,M.P.维蒂,S.汤普森,B.A., & 马修斯,T.  Adaptations to Bone, 强度, 权力, and Body Composition with Varying Training Protocols in Women.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(SS Supplement 1):991, May 2016.
  • Buskard,.伍德,R。.穆林,E.——小布鲁诺., M.贾格哈布,A.汤普森,B. Heart Rate Determined Rest Intervals in Hypertrophy-Type Resistance Training. (2016). 运动生理学在线杂志,20 (1).
  • 贾菲,D.马修斯,T.保罗,V.马祖尔,S.汤普森,B.A., & 赫德利,年代.A.  Effects of Chronic Beta-Alanine Injestion on Body Composition and Physical Performance Parameters in College-Aged Males Seeking Military Commission.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(SS Supplement 1):991, May 2016.
  • 巴克,D.哈钦森,J.C.冬天,C.R., & 汤普森,B.A. (2015年4月). The Effects of Mental Imagery on Self-Efficacy and Front Squat Performance. 体育,2016年4月,第4,23期.
  • 香港T.Y., & 汤普森,B.A.. 静态拉伸的效果, 动态拉伸, 和泡沫滚动的灵活性, 权力, 强度, 和女性运动员的速度. Poster and Abstract Presented at the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition: Orlando, FL, 7月11日, 2015.
  • 与M.哈钦森,J.C.汤普森,B.A., & 马修斯,T.D. (2015年4月). 女运动员-力量教练关系, 动机气候, 和健身房的内在动机. Northeastern Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 斯普林菲尔德, MA.
  • 巴克,D.哈钦森,J.C.冬天,C.R., & 汤普森,B.A. (2015年4月). The Effects of Mental Imagery on Self-Efficacy and Front Squat Performance. Northeastern Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 斯普林菲尔德, MA.


  • “Developing a Year Long 强度 Training Program for Wrestling”, 英航汤普森, National Wrestling Coaches Association Virtual National Conference, 7月28日, 2021.
  • “How to Continue to Develop as a 强度 Coach at Any Level”, 英航汤普森, NSCA康涅狄格州立诊所, 6月4日, 2021.
  • “How to Foster a Quality Internship Program”, 英航汤普森, MK Feit, A Feit, M Bergan. National 力量与调节 Association Coaches Conference, January 8, 2021. 
  • "Designing a Functional 强度 Training Program", 英航汤普森.  Fall 2020 ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiology Association Conference, September 26, 2020.
  • “A Systematic Approach to Developing 力量与调节 Coaches”, 英航汤普森.  National 力量与调节 Coaches Conference, San Antonio, TX, January 10, 2020.
  • “Philosophy on Developing 力量与调节 Coaches”, 英航汤普森.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • 《十大赌博靠谱信誉网站》,英航汤普森.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • 《十大赌博信誉的平台》,英航汤普森.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “Linear and Lateral Speed Development”, 英航汤普森.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • 《十大赌博信誉的平台》,英航汤普森.  University of Rhode Island Chinese Coaches Delegation, October 22, 2019.
  • “年轻教练常犯的50个错误”,英航汤普森.  National 力量与调节 Association Coaches Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 1月12日, 2019.
  • “Resume Writing and Interview Skill”, 英航汤普森, S Caufield, R McKeeferey.  National 力量与调节 Association Coaches Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 1月11日, 2019.
  • “Priorities of Effective Internship Program”, 英航汤普森, S Caufield, L Blinn, M Jones.  National 力量与调节 Association National Conference and Exhibition, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 7月13日, 2018.
  • “发展力量、优化力量的关键”, 英航汤普森, 秋季NEACSM特邀演讲, 普罗维登斯, RI, 10月20日, 2017.
  • “提高运动成绩的关键”, 英航汤普森, 北京体育大学, 北京, 中国, 7月3日, 2017
  • “力量与爆发力训练”, 英航汤普森, 强国的培训, 天津, 中国, 6月30日, 2017, 天津, 中国.
  • “Designing and Implementing 强度 Training Programs”, 英航汤普森, 在Better Ready Sports Performance的8小时工作坊, 北京, 中国, 6月28日, 2017.
  • “运动准备”, 英航汤普森, 中国国际投资洽谈会暨展览会, 北京, 中国, 6月27日, 2017.
  • “运动评估及筛选”, 英航汤普森, 中国国际投资洽谈会暨展览会, 中国北京, 6月27日, 2017.
  • 增强式训练实用指南, 英航汤普森, 中国体能训练与健康大会, 北京, 中国, 10月15日, 2016.
  • “优化力量”, 英航汤普森, 中国体能训练与健康大会, 北京, 中国, 10月15日, 2016.
  • “发展实力的关键”, 英航汤普森, 中国体能训练与健康大会, 北京, 中国, 10月15日, 2016.
  • 《十大赌博信誉的平台》,英航汤普森, I-FIT全国健身教练大会, 北京, 中国, 8月21日, 2016.
  • “运动巅峰训练”, 英航汤普森, I-FIT全国健身教练大会, 北京, 中国, 8月19日, 2016.
  • “发展力量, 权力, 和篮球的速度”, 英航汤普森, 北京体育大学 International Training Summit”, 北京, 中国, 9月13日, 2015.
  • “与大师对话”, 英航汤普森, 北京体育大学 International Training Summit”, 北京, 中国, 9月12日, 2015.
  • “Developing a 力量与调节 Philosophy”, 英航汤普森, 1 day seminar presented to coaches and athletes from the Chinese Culture University in 台湾. 春田学院,2015年8月24日.
  • “提高运动表现的关键”, 英航汤普森, 5 day seminar presented to a group of 25 national team coaches at the Shandong Provincial Training Center, 济南, 中国. 2015年7月31日至8月5日.
  • “力量与调节 Coach Development”, 英航汤普森, EliteFTS Podcast, February, 2015.
  • “发展力量和体能教练:, 英航汤普森, NSCA东北地区会议, 10月1日, 2014. 菲奇堡,马.
  • “运动, 强度, 《十大赌博靠谱信誉网站》, 英航汤普森, Hospital for Special Card Research and Education Center, 9月20日, 2014. 新不列颠,康涅狄格州.
  • "十大赌博信誉的平台力量与体能", 英航汤普森, 铁游戏教练粉笔谈话, 2014年7月.