


Liz O'Neill, faculty member in the Department of 锻炼 Science and Sport Studies
  • 体育博士, 运动生理学集中, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, 斯普林菲尔德, 质量., 2003
  • Master of Science, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, 斯普林菲尔德, 质量., 2000
  • Bachelor of Arts, Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa., 1995

Elizabeth O’Neill taught at the University of 质量achusetts, 洛厄尔, in the Department of Physical Therapy (2003-04) and Central Connecticut State University in the Department of Physical Education and Human Performance (2004-09) prior to returning to 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 in fall 2009.

  • 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站生理学“,
  • 运动测试 & 特殊人群处方
  • American College of Sports Medicine Certified 锻炼 Physiologist
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • New England American College of Sports Medicine (NEACSM)
    • 当选总统:2019 - 2020
    • 总统:2020 - 2021
    • 前任总裁:2021年至今

Selected Works


  • 奥尼尔,E. & 梅利尼克J. (2021年10月). What the heck can you do with a degree in exercise science: Building the skills to pay the bills. Fall 2021 NEACSM conference (Oral presentation)
  • 奥尼尔,E. & 与M. (2019年11月). Diastasis Recti: Is Surgery the Only Option?  Fall 2019 NEACSM conference (Oral presentation). 
  • Pitsas D.马修斯,T.米勒,M.奥尼尔,E. (2019年11月). Prediction of 400-m running performance variables in collegiate track and field athletes. Fall 2019 NEACSM Conference (Master’s Student Research Presentation winner).
  • 奥尼尔,E.伯根,M., & 马修斯,T. (2019年5月). Impact of a chronic foam rolling protocol on bunkie test scores. Poster presented at the National ACSM conference; Orlando, FL.
  • ,年代.黑德利,S., Sotir, S., & 奥尼尔,E. (2019年5月). The effects of betalain supplementation on indices of muscle damage. Poster presented at the National ACSM conference; Orlando, FL.
  • 奥尼尔,E.福特,M.豪斯曼,R., & 马修斯,T. (2018年11月).The relationship between the functional movement screen and bunkie test. Poster presentation at the NEACSM conference; Providence, RI.
  • Benham-Marin N., Sotir, S.汤普森,B.奥尼尔,E. (2018年7月). Changes in lower body power outputs across different menstrual cycle phases. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference July 2018.
  • Tamjid N.J.奥尼尔,E.Kostelis, K. (2018年6月). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. Poster presentation at the National ACSM conference.
  • 邓普西,K.汤普森,B.冬天,C.奥尼尔,E.黑德利,S. (2018年6月). Effects of Acute Resistance 锻炼 on Heart Rate Variability and Central Blood Pressure in Women. Poster presentation at the National ACSM conference.
  • 奥尼尔,E.福特,M.豪斯曼,R.舒曼,J.伯根,M.马修斯,T. (2018年5月).The relationship between the functional movement screen and bunkie test. Poster presentation at the International Symposium on Sport and 锻炼 Science; 哥斯达黎加
  • 奥尼尔,E.伊莱亚斯,H., & 马修斯,T. (2018年5月). The relationship of the functional movement screen and bunkie test with vertical jump and power. Poster presentation presented at the International Symposium on Sport and 锻炼 Science; 哥斯达黎加
  • 奥尼尔,E., & 盖伊,年代. (2018年5月). 功能运动屏幕. Oral presentation; University of 哥斯达黎加.
  • Tamjid N.J.奥尼尔,E.Kostelis, K. (2017年秋季). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. Poster presentation at the NEACSM conference.
  • Bruneau小., M., Sotir, S.伍德,R。. J.黑德利,S.奥尼尔,E.拉考斯基,S.保罗,V. (2017, June) “Influence of Aerobic 锻炼 on Ghrelin-o-Acyltransferase in Normal Weight and Obese Adults: A Pilot Study.” Thematic Poster ACSM National Conference; Denver, CO.
  • 奥尼尔,E. (2016, November) “Strategies to combat Sarcopenia.” The 2nd Annual Joint Speaker Series; 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 & 贝斯特康复护理.   Women’s Health Symposium:   斯普林菲尔德, MA.
  • 奥尼尔,E.罗伊,M. P.维蒂,S.汤普森,B.马修斯,T. (2016年6月). “Adaptations to bone, strength, power, and body composition in women with varying training protocols.” Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference; Boston, MA.
  • 博兰,M., & 奥尼尔,E. (2015年7月). “Case Study: The effects of an 8-week functional training program on an adolescent athlete.” Poster presentation at the NSCA conference, Orlando, FL.
  • 奥尼尔,E. (2015年10月). 糖尿病和骨骼健康.” Presented at the New England ACSM conference; Providence, RI.
  • 奥尼尔,E., & 马修斯,T. 5月(2014). “Assessment and 锻炼 Considerations for the Older Adult.” Co-presented at the 20th International Symposium in Health, 锻炼 and Sport Sciences; San Jose, 哥斯达黎加.
  • 奥尼尔,E.Kostelis, K.杰夫,D.维蒂,S.昆兰,M.博兰,M., & 马修斯,T. 5月(2014). “Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy in Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in an Urban Elementary Setting.” National ACSM Conference; Orlando, FL.
  • Sarcopenic Obesity: Definitions, Complications, and Suggested Lifestyle Interventions, NEACSM, 2013
  • Bone Density and Physical Activity: The Role of Physical Education, MAHPERD, 2011
  • Physical Activity and Health: The Role of 锻炼 for the Older Adult. Presented at the Special Lecture Series on National Fitness at the Guangzhou Sports Training and Technical College; Guangzhou, 中国, 2010



  • ,年代.布鲁诺,M.,雷森,K,苏蒂尔,S.黑德利,S.奥尼尔,E. (2021). The effects of betalain-rich concentrate supplementation in attenuating muscle damage following eccentric exercise. 人类运动杂志 & 锻炼1(16), 112-121.
  • 奥尼尔,E.塔姆吉德,n.n.J.Kostelis, K. (2020). Assessment and application of the Bunkie test in college students. 身体和运动疗法杂志.
  • 奥尼尔,E. (2019). Diabetic skeletal health and potential benefits of exercise. 临床运动生理学杂志,8(3), 108-114.
  • 马修斯,T.奥尼尔,E.Kostelis, K. 贾菲,D.维蒂,S.昆兰,M., & 博兰,M. (2015). Physical activity and self-efficacy in physical activity and healthy eating in an urban elementary setting.  美国健康教育杂志,46(3), 132-137.
  • 陆,H.冬天,C.奥尼尔,E., & 汤普森,B. (2014). Comparison of muscle strength imbalance in powerlifters and jumpers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research28(1), 23-27.
  • 木材、R. J., & 奥尼尔,E. (2014). Sarcopenic Obesity Part I: Definitions and Consequences, ACSM认证新闻, 24(1), 10-11.
  • 马修斯,T.Kostelis, K.奥尼尔,E. Physical Activity Levels and Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Eating Habits in an Urban Elementary School Setting. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14(1), 16-21, 2014.
  • 奥尼尔,E., & 木材、R. J. (2014). Sarcopenic Obesity Part II: Suggested Lifestyle Interventions. ACSM认证新闻24(2), 4-7.