Jasmin Hutchinson | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Jasmin Hutchinson

Jasmin Hutchinson


Contact Info


  • Room 203
    Athletic Training and Exercise Science Facilities
Head shot of Jasmin Hutchinson
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla., 2004
  • Master of Science, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Ill., 1999
  • 1998年,英国莱斯特郡拉夫堡大学理学学士学位

Jasmin Hutchinson于2004年获得佛罗里达州立大学体育与运动心理学博士学位. 她是运动科学教授,也是运动和运动心理学研究生课程的主任. 她是应用运动心理学协会的认证心理表现顾问,也是美国运动医学学院的认证运动生理学家. 她的研究兴趣集中在运动行为的心理生理方面和运动中音乐的影响. Hutchinson是应用运动心理学协会的会员,并于2018年被美国心理协会授予年度运动与运动心理学论文.

Research Interests
  • Effects of music in sport and exercise
  • Psychophysiology of exercise
  • Attentional focus during sport and exercise
  • Exercise behavior
Courses Taught
  • Special Topics in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Exercise Psychology
  • Internship in Applied Sport Psychology
  • Stress Management
Certifications and Memberships
  • Fellow of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology
  • 美国运动医学学院认证运动生理学家
  • 应用运动心理学协会认证心理表现顾问
  • 北美运动与体育活动心理学学会会员
  • European Federation of Sport Psychology, Member

Selected Works


  • Schaffer, K., Meir, G., Hutchinson, J.C., Mullin, E. M., & Zakrajsek, R. (2020, October). How does she do it? 学术界的女性分享了她们在运动心理学中找到自己道路的独特故事. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Virtual.
  • Feit, A. & Hutchinson, J.C. (2020, October). 运动心理学技术在大学生力量与体能训练中的应用. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Virtual.
  • Jakob, E., Hutchinson, J.C., Smith, D., & Sotir, S. (2020, October). 减量对非专业铁人三项运动员的心理影响. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Virtual.
  • Hutchinson, J.C., Mullin, E.M, Mellano, K.T, Bird, J.M., & Karageorghis, C.I. (2020, October). COVID-19大流行期间身体活动与心理健康的关系. New England American College of Sports Medicine, Virtual.
  • Taylor, B.A., Alhassan, S., Hutchinson, J.C., & Ward-Ritacco, C. (2018, November). 隐藏的数字:影响运动投入的未被重视的心理和社会因素. New England American College of Sports Medicine, Providence, RI.
  • Hutchinson, J.C., Zenko, Z, Dalton, P., & Santich, S. (2018, October). 音乐录像中的情感启动对运动的情感体验有正向影响. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Toronto, ON.
  • Hutchinson, J.C. & Feit, A. (2018, October). Dual-Process Theories in Exercise and Sport. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Toronto, ON.
  • Pottratz, S., Hutchinson, J.C. & Mullin, E. (2018, October). 运动时的情感启动对情感效价和知觉用力的影响. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Toronto, ON.
  • Zenko, Z., Khan, R., Hutchinson, J.C., & Jones, L. (2018, June). 超越默认:提示锻炼者增加快乐和享受增加体验和记忆的快乐和享受. 北美运动与体育活动心理学学会,丹佛,科罗拉多州.
  • Jones, L., Hutchinson, J.C., & Mullin, E. (2018, June). 探索特质特征在运动不同情感反应中的作用. 北美运动与体育活动心理学学会,丹佛,科罗拉多州.
  • Zenko, Z. & Hutchinson, J.C. (2018, June). Decrease the intensity, 增加快乐和享受:来自阻力训练实验的发现. 北美运动与体育活动心理学学会,丹佛,科罗拉多州.
  • Moore, A., Hutchinson, J.C., Winter, C.R., Dalton, P., O’Neil, B.O., & Paolone, V. (2018, May). The Impact of Music and Attentional Focus on Muscular Activation. American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Hutchinson, J.C. & O’Neil, B.J. (2017, October). The Effects of Music on Recovery from Intense Exercise. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Guarnieri, S. & Hutchinson, J.C. (2017, October). 动机音乐和任务强度对青少年游泳运动员运动表现和心理生理反应的影响. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Christensen, D., Brewer, B.W., & Hutchinson, J.C. (2017, October). 超级马拉松跑步的心理体验:一个多模式的方法. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Christensen, D., Hutchinson, J.C., & Brewer, B.W. (2017, October). “Literally like a party”: Social Aspects of Ultrarunning. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Wooley, S.E., Dempsey, K., Matthews, T.D., Laguilles, R., Hutchinson, J.C., Rowe, D.A., & Headley, S. A. (2017). 大学员工职业坐姿与身体活动的关系. American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO.
  • Hutchinson, J.C., O’Neil, B.O., & Cudworth, R. (2016, May). Effects of stimulative vs. 镇静音乐对剧烈运动后主动恢复过程中心理生理变量的影响. American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, MA.
  • Moore, A., Dalton, P., Hutchinson, J.C., Winter, C.R., & Paolone, V. (2016, May). 耐力运动中运动方式对起搏策略的影响. American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, MA.
  • Hutchinson, J.C., Beachy, E., Christensen, D., & Brewer, B.W. (2015, October). 第一步:建立一个成功的心理团队的实践指南. Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Hutchinson, J. C., Karageorghis, C. I., Black, J. D., & Pottratz, S. (2015, July). 糖尿病项目:临床环境下运动时音乐和音乐视频的效果. European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, Switzerland.


  • Hutchinson, J.C. (2021). Perceived effort and exertion. In Z. Zenko & L. Jones (Eds.)《十大赌博信誉的平台》. 运动机能学透明、开放和复制学会. http://doi.org/10.51124/B1012
  • Hutchinson, J.C., & Jones, L. (2020). Affect and music. In D. Hackfort & R.J. Schinke (Eds.). 劳特利奇国际体育和运动心理学百科全书:第2卷:应用和实际措施(pp. 21–36). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Pottratz, S., Hutchinson, J.C., Karageorghis, C.I., Mullin, E.M., & Zenko, Z. (2020). Prime movers: Effects of subliminal primes, music, and music-video on psychological responses to exercise. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55(2), 112-122. doi.org/10.1093/abm/kaaa036
  • Zenko, Z., Kahn, R.M., Berman, C.J., Hutchinson, J.C., & Jones, L. (2020). Do exercisers maximize their pleasure by default? Using prompts to enhance the affective experience of exercise. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(3),405-417. http://doi.org/10.1037/spy0000183
  • Hutchinson, J.C., Zenko, Z., Santich, S., & Dalton, P. C. (2020). 增加运动的乐趣和享受:一种新的抗阻训练方案. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42, 143–152. http://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2019-0089
  • Hutchinson, J. C., & O'Neil, B. J. (2020). 在剧烈运动间歇的恢复期,舒缓音乐的效果. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9, 102–114. http://doi.org/10.1037/spy0000161
  • Hutchinson, J. C., & Tenenbaum, G. (2019). Perceived effort and exertion. In M. H. Anshel, S. J. Petruzzello, & E. E. Labbé (Eds.), APA Handbook of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 2. Exercise Psychology (p. 159–182). American Psychological Association. http://doi.org/10.1037/0000124-009
  • Hutchinson, J. C., & O'Neil, B. J. (2020). 在剧烈运动间歇的恢复期,舒缓音乐的效果. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9, 102–114. http://doi.org/10.1037/spy0000161
  • Jones, L., Hutchinson, J.C., & Mullin, E. (2018). 在区域:探索个人特征的变化情感反应对剧烈运动. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 40, 249-258. doi:10.1123/jsep.2017-0360. 
  • Hutchinson, J.C., Headley, S. A., Matthews, T.D., Spicer, G., Dempsey, K., Wooley, S.E., & Janssen, X. (2018). 工作场所久坐行为干预后坐姿时间和坐姿碎片化的变化. International Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 15, 1148; doi:10.3390/ijerph15061148. 
  • Headley, S. A., Hutchinson, J.C., Wooley, S.E., Dempsey, K., Phan, K, Spicer, G. Laguilles, R., Janssen, X., & Matthews, T.D. (2018). 大学员工久坐行为的主客观评价. BMC Public Health, 18(1):768. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5630-3.
  • Christensen, D. A., Brewer, B. W., & Hutchinson, J. C. (2018) 161公里超级马拉松跑中表现的心理预测因素. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 49, 74-90.
  • Hutchinson, J. C., Jones, L., Vitti, S. N., Moore, A., Dalton, P. C., & O'Neil, B. J. (2018). 在跑步机上自选音乐对情绪调节运动强度和记忆愉悦的影响. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 7(1), 80-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/spy0000115.
  • Hutchinson, J. C. (2017). Running with Music. 美国医学运动协会杂志,30(1)13-15.
  • Hutchinson, J. C., Karageorghis, C. I., & Black, J. D. (2017). The Diabeates Project: Perceptual, 音乐和音乐录像在临床锻炼中的情感和心理生理作用. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 41(1), 90-96. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjd.2016.07.009.
  • Bergan, M. & Hutchinson, J. C. (2016). 健身房的激励气氛和教练-运动员关系. NSCA Coach, 3(2), 44-47.
  • Buck, D., Hutchinson, J.C., Winter, C.R., & Thompson, B.A. (2016). 心理意象对自我效能感和前蹲动作的影响. Sports, 4(2), 23. doi:10.3390/sports4020023
  • Meir, G., Hutchinson, J.C., Habeeb, C., Boiangin, N., Basevitch, I., Shaffer, C., & Tenenbaum, G. (2015). 注意力分配和感知努力的测量是否可信? 体育教育与运动科学,19,167-176. doi: 10.1080/1091367X.2015.1061531
  • Gabana, N.T., Van Raalte, J., Hutchinson, J.C., Brewer, B.W., & Petitpas, A. (2015). 音乐和舵手对注意力集中的独立或共同影响, perceived exertion, state motivation, and performance during a rowing sprint. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2014.99377
  • Hutchinson, J. C., & Karageorghis, C. I., & Jones, L. (2015). 看、听:跑步机上音乐和音乐视频对心理的影响. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49(2), 199-211. doi: 10.1007/s12160-014-9647-2

Spring 2017 Laurels Submissions

  • Jasmin Hutchinson, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and sport studies, co-authored “The Diabeat“音乐和音乐录影带的感性、情感和心理生理效应” Canadian Journal of Diabetes in February 2017.
  • Jasmin Hutchinson, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and sport studies, presented "Can't stop the feeling! The role of music in exercise and health" at St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, N.Y., in February 2017.

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