
目标1: 毕业生将熟悉和胜任一些具有历史意义的舞蹈技巧, 社会, 文化意识.

  • slo1: Students will demonstrate command of basic movement vocabulary skills and term comprehension; the ability to move with physical clarity, specificity; and accuracy in sequencing movement with dynamic awareness and phrasing; as well as the ability to move with awareness of and in relationship to others.
  • slo2: 学生将发展个人艺术:文化和历史敏感性, 社会意识, 以及表演中的存在感.

目标2: 毕业生将成为有效的沟通者和创造性的问题解决者.

  • slo3: 学生将展示有效和有说服力的口头和书面沟通,利用适当的资源和材料来支持舞蹈的观点或观点,并在解剖学和教学上合理地应用舞蹈知识.

目标3: 毕业生将在编舞方面展示创新和能力. 

  • slo4: Students will engage and experiment with approaches to creating new movement; and demonstrate competence with choreographic forms and structuring devices in support and development of an idea.

目标4: 毕业生将能够将他们的知识和技能应用到实际环境中,以建立社区.

  • slo5:  学生将通过社区表演展示参与和促进舞蹈社区文化能力的当前趋势的能力, 专业研讨会或实习的一部分.

目标5: 毕业生将成为专业标准的典范.

  • slo6: Students will demonstrate the ability to collaborate effectively and well with others; and participate in constructive critiques, 展示提供的能力,  利用, 并应用有效的反馈.
  • slo7: 学生将表现出富有成效的工作习惯:专注、专注、及时性和责任感