Occupational Therapy (Graduate) Program Outcomes | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Occupational Therapy (Graduate) Program Outcomes

Goal 1: Students will develop the skills to provide services that promote occupation, participation, and health using models that are responsive to the unique needs of clients, families, and communities.

  • SLO 1: 学生将描述和检验与健康相关的多种理论和实践模型, participation, and occupational performance.
  • SLO 2: 学生将理解和欣赏职业表现在促进健康和福祉方面的作用, disease prevention, and optimizing functional participation.
  • SLO 3: Students will understand bodily structures, functions, and pathology and describe the role of injury, illness, or dysfunction in occupational performance across the lifespan.
  • SLO 4: Students will engage in community based, 体验式学习机会,识别和阐明社区内客户的职业需求.

Goal 2: 学生将发展理解人类职业所需的知识和推理能力, to synthesize information to develop plans, 并在不同的情况下为不同的人实施干预和过渡服务.

  • SLO 5: Students will gather relevant client information from a variety of sources (interview, evaluation, etc), synthesize that information, and create client-centered treatment plans to meet diverse client needs.
  • SLO 6: 学生将在整个生命周期的关键过渡阶段识别职业参与的障碍和支持.
  • SLO 7: 学生将综合现有信息,以确定治疗和过渡计划的相关服务,并设计治疗和过渡计划,最大限度地减少障碍,优化职业表现/参与.
  • SLO 8: 学生将利用临床推理来制定适合情境和满足客户需求的客户特定目标和目标/基准, wishes, and functional abilities.

Goal 3: 学生将描述各种理论及其与职业治疗的哲学基础和历史观点的关系, and to demonstrate the application of theory in OT practice.       

  • SLO 9: 学生将有效地使用当前版本的职业治疗实践框架来指导评估和治疗计划.
  • SLO 10: 学生将描述职业治疗实践的历史背景及其在塑造当前实践趋势中的作用.
  • SLO 11: 学生将确定适当的理论/模型/参考框架来解决特定的客户需求,并应用这些理论/模型/参考框架来实施以客户为中心的实践并取得积极的成果.

Goal 4: 学生将认识和欣赏人类及其职业的多样性.

  • SLO 12: 学生将运用文化意识来评估和治疗,以支持以客户为中心的干预计划.
  • SLO 13: Students will develop goals and objectives to meet diverse client needs.
  • SLO 14: 学生将监测和评估职业治疗干预的有效性,以满足不同背景的个体在整个生命周期中的需求.
  • SLO 15: 学生将识别社会文化障碍和职业表现的支持.
  • SLO 16: Students will analyze, grade, and adapt occupation to meet client needs.

Goal 5: Students will communicate clearly, concisely and correctly, both orally and in writing to communicate empathically in order to understand, be understood by, and collaborate with clients, families, and colleagues.

  • SLO 17: 学生将采用协作的方法来确定客户在不同角色和家庭和社会背景下的职业需求.
  • SLO 18: 学生将评估干预的结果,并在适当的时候决定是否需要解除或终止服务.
  • SLO 19: 学生将准备评估报告,概述评估结果并以特定格式进行解释.
  • SLO 20: 学生将在实践相关领域教育同龄人、社区成员、同事和其他人.
  • SLO 21: 学生将在适当的时候向专家和/或其他服务提供者推荐客户转介.
  • SLO 22: Students will understand the role of the OT and OTA in professional practice.
  • SLO 23: 学生将参与与其他学科的个人合作规划,以创建以客户为中心的跨专业治疗计划.
  • SLO 24: Students will articulate, in writing and verbally, the results of the evaluation and treatment planning processes, and provide a rationale for the delivery of occupational therapy services.

Goal 6:  Students will advocate for the consumer and the profession.

  • SLO 25: 学生将主张需要服务和/或设备的外部机构(如.e., insurance companies, funding agencies, etc.).
  • SLO 26: Students will articulate a clear, concise, and cogent rationale for client services to key stakeholders.
  • SLO 27: Students will promote occupational therapy practice and service to the community.

Goal 7: 学生将阐明研究对实践的重要性,并展示使用证据做出明智的实践决策的能力.

  • SLO 28: 学生将阐明临床实践中循证决策的重要性.
  • SLO 29: 学生将批判性地评价研究文章,并综合结果来回答临床问题.
  • SLO 30: Students will understand and interpret basic statistics, including descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics.
  • SLO 31: 学生将理解和阐明终身学习的重要性,并参与学术活动,为专业知识体系做出贡献.
  • SLO 32: 学生将计划、实施和传播学术研究项目的结果.

Goal 8: 学生将运用管理理论和原则到OT实践,以维持, develop, and improve upon programs as needed.

  • SLO 33: 学生将了解职业治疗从业者作为教育者的不同角色, advocate, researcher, and entrepreneur.
  • SLO 34: Students will establish therapeutic relationships with individuals, groups, organizations, and systems.
  • SLO 35: 学生将确定个人/组织的需求,并制定以客户为中心的计划,以解决或改善这些需求.
  • SLO 36: 学生将实施一个以证据为基础的项目,以满足社区环境中的个人/组织需求.

Goal 9: Students will develop their professional identity, values, beliefs and pride in the basic tenets of occupational science, occupational therapy, and ethical practice .

  • SLO 37: Students will understand the values and tenets of the profession.
  • SLO 38: 学生将在各种实践环境和整个生命周期中识别与实践相关的法律和道德问题.
  • SLO 39: 学生将参与专业行为的自我评估过程,并承担专业成长的责任.
  • SLO 40: 学生将给予和接受建设性的反馈,并利用反馈在教学和临床经验中发展更高水平的能力.