

如果学生被指控违反了学院的一项或多项行为准则政策, they will be scheduled to meet with a college official who serves as an administrative hearing officer for the 社区标准 process.

学院将通过电子邮件通知学生他们的行政听证日期, time, 和地点至少提前24小时.

如果学生不参加预定的行政听证会, 在学生缺席的情况下,课程可以照常进行. Students who fail to attend their hearings will forfeit the ability to appeal the finding(s) and sanction(s) in the case. 如果学生不参加行政听证会, 没有他们的参与,就会做出决定.






   审查可能的制裁, and how the hearing officer will notify the student of their decision (the outcome of your hearing) decision letter;


An Administrative Hearing Officer may elect to appoint an observer or scribe to serve as a note-taker during a College administrative hearing. 观察员或记录员必须是学院行政听证官. 观察者或抄写员不能作为证人或顾问. The observer or scribe may participate in the College administrative hearing but will not be allowed to determine the decision of the case.

住宿: If the student has a documented disability that significantly impacts their ability to participate in an administrative hearing, 他们可以要求提供合理的便利,以便于参加. 点击链接请求与残疾有关的便利 通过学业成功中心的残疾和无障碍服务(DAS), which may include submitting documentation from a qualified medical professional to verify the disability and/or the disability-related need for the accommodation. Additional information about disability-related accommodations can be found at Disability and 可访问性 Services. DAS将对请求作出决定, 会通知有关各方吗, 并将协助协调辅助艾滋病和服务, 根据需要.

 顾问: A responding student and/or complainant may elect to be accompanied and counseled by an adviser at a College administrative hearing. 顾问不得向证人提问, 反对陈述或程序, 或者提出论点, and their role shall be limited to quietly and unobtrusively advising only the responding student in whispers or by written note. 在听证官看来,顾问违反这些条件的任何行为, 会导致该顾问立即被免职吗, 在顾问不在场的情况下继续进行行政听证会. 父母, 监护人, 和/或学生家庭成员, 不管他们与学院的关系如何, are not permitted to be present at any administrative hearing; however, 征得学生的同意, 听证官将与家长见面, 监护人, 和/或家属讨论程序和案件. 另外, 目击事件或涉及同一学生行为问题的学生, 不能做顾问. 如果学生计划带一个顾问, 他们必须通知社区标准办公室(413)748-3922, or 请填写这张表格,至少在他们预定的听证会前24小时.



A responding student and/or complainant may elect to be accompanied and counseled by an adviser at a College administrative hearing. 

顾问将不被允许询问证人, 反对陈述或程序, 或者提出论点, and their role shall be limited to quietly and unobtrusively advising only the responding student in whispers or by written note. 在听证官看来,顾问违反这些条件的任何行为, 会导致该顾问立即被免职吗, 在顾问不在场的情况下继续进行行政听证会. 

父母, 监护人, 和/或学生家庭成员, 不管他们与学院的关系如何, are not permitted to be present at any administrative hearing; however, 征得学生的同意, 听证官将与家长见面, 监护人, 和/或家属讨论程序和案件. 另外, 目击事件或涉及同一学生行为问题的学生, 不能做顾问. 

如果你打算带个顾问, 您必须通知社区标准办公室,电话:(413)748-3922或按以下方式通知 link,至少在预定听证会前24小时. 



If you have a documented disability that significantly impacts your ability to participate in an administrative hearing, 你可以要求 为方便参与提供合理的便利. 

Follow the appropriate process to request disability-related accommodations 通过学业成功中心的残疾和无障碍服务(DAS), which may include submitting documentation from a qualified medical professional to verify the disability and/or the disability-related need for the accommodation. You may also follow the link on the administrative hearing letter which will provide you access to the proper form. 

DAS将对请求作出决定, 会通知有关各方吗, 并将协助协调辅助艾滋病和服务, 根据需要.



Every student has the right to ask for reconsideration of a decision determined by any Hearing Officer. 上诉s are confined to a review of the case file based on one or more of the pertinent grounds for appeal described below. 上诉s are not intended to re-hear the allegations or to constitute a de novo review of the case. 

没有明显的和实质性的错误, 上诉决定的目的是尊重原听证官. Findings should be revised by the appeal officer only when returning the case for reconsideration by the original hearing officer or granting a new hearing would be insufficient, 不切实际的, 或不必要的. Sanctions will be revised by the appeal officer only if t在这里 is a compelling justification to do so. 

An appeal must be submitted within three (3) business days after the decision letter is delivered to the student's 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email account. 上诉只可基于下列理由提出: 

  1. 在起诉和/或聆讯过程中出现的错误,对结果有重大影响(例如.g.,已证实的偏差,与既定程序的重大偏差等.); or 
  2. New information that could not have been discovered prior to the hearing through the exercise of reasonable diligence and that would have materially affected the outcome. 书面上诉必须包括对这一新证据及其潜在影响的摘要. 

The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee shall act as the appeal officer. 上诉必须是 提交的电子 and must clearly and succinctly outline and explain how one or both of the specific grounds described above have been met. The party submitting the appeal has the burden of demonstrating how the above grounds have been met. 在覆核书面上诉后, 书面声明(s), 以及相关的案件档案, 上诉主任会采取以下其中一项行动: 

  1. 根据上述理由,以不合时宜或不适当为由拒绝上诉. 
  2. 坚持原来的决定和/或制裁. 
  3. 批准上诉,并: 
    1. Return the case with specific instructions to the original hearing officer or hearing body for further consideration;
    2. 通过减少或加强制裁来修改制裁. 在修改制裁时,上诉干事将提供理由. 上诉主任的所有决定均为最终决定,不得再上诉. 



作为制裁的一部分,必须提交教育论文的学生可以上传 在这里. 请完整地填写这张表格. 如果您在完成本文档时有问题,请发邮件给我 communitystandards@a-table-hofu.com.


After submission, please allow up to three (3) business days for your documentation to be updated.




  • 医疗大赦将取代"负责任"或"不负责"的裁决,  行政听证期间. Medical Amnesty will be applied when a student seeks medical treatment for themself or others due to ingestion of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • 适用医疗大赦时, 该学生不会因违反行为准则而受到纪律处分, 但可能会实施教育制裁.
  • The administrative hearing is not disclosed on background checks to outside entities when medical amnesty is applied. 


  • 学生, 或者代表他们的人, 必须积极寻求学院官员(宿舍助理, 常驻董事, 警察, 等.),而不是来自朋友,有能力评估情况. The person actively seeking medical attention from a College official must then stay with the impaired student for medical amnesty to be applied.
  • A student found dangerously intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs by a College official will not qualify for medical amnesty.
  • A student does not need to “claim” medical amnesty; if the incident began with a person actively seeking help, 医疗特赦将自动适用.


  • College officials are committed to engaging students in learning from incidents that lead to medical amnesty. The administrative hearing process will provide the student with a meeting with Student Affairs to discuss the report and follow-up steps that may include alcohol or substance use education.


  • 需要帮助的学生和提供帮助的人(如适用).


  • 因醉酒而需要帮助的学生, 并且/或者不止一次受到毒品的影响, 可在多于一个场合受到纪律处分.