留学费用 | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Policy on Billing for Study Abroad

The costs to 出国留学 through a 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 partner are similar to the costs of a semester on-campus at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站.  The home billing policy for partner programs allows students to choose a program that furthers their individual academic and career goals without worrying about substantial differences in costs. 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 understands that there may be differences between the direct costs of 出国留学 programs and a semester on-campus. This is attributed to some 出国留学 programs and locations being more or less expensive than others.

The home billing policy for partner programs also allows the College and International Center to assist with all aspects of the 出国留学 process, 包括学术建议, 应用程序, 金融援助, 出发前的定位.


十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Partner Programs | Semester Tuition:

  • Students participating in a semester long program with one of the following partners are billed tuition from 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站:
    • API (Academic Programs International)
    • 独联体 (Center for International Studies)
    • 海外教育网络
    • Umbra研究所
    • 挪威美国学院
    • 香港浸会大学
    • 纽约圣. 约翰
    • 利默里克大学
  • Upon acceptance, a $500 deposit is due to confirm participation.  Scholarships and 金融援助 packages typically apply in the same way while students are abroad on partner programs.

Non-partner Programs | Semester Tuition:

  • Students participating in a non-partner program approved by the International Center, will be billed directly by the program.  Students will NOT be charged tuition by 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站.  因此, scholarships and 金融援助 may not apply in the same way that it does when a student is on campus.

其他费用 & 金融援助:

  • Housing and meal plans will NOT be billed by 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站.  Those fees will be billed to students directly by the program or host university.
  • Students are responsible for all personal expenses related to 出国留学, 包括但不限于, 可选活动和短途旅行, 高级服务和功能, 保证金或损坏保证金, 护照和签证费用, 运输, 医疗费用, health insurance and round-trip 机票.
  • Please note that Federal Work Study does NOT apply to study off-campus or abroad.  除了, students are NOT eligible for Tuition Exchange, 学费减免, 住房奖励或RA膳食津贴.
  • Students are advised to meet with the Financial 援助 Office to better understand how their scholarships and 金融援助 package may or may not apply to their semester abroad.


夏天 & Short-term Options | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站

  • 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 frequently offers spring break trips, service trips and short-term faculty-led programs abroad that vary from year to year.  The fee to participate in these programs will be set by the program.  Participants will be billed by 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 for the program fee.  Participants may also be responsible for any non-billable expenses such as passport and visa fees, 机票, 餐, health insurance and personal expenses.  Financial aid is typically NOT applicable to these programs.

夏天 & Short-term Options | Partner and Non-partner Programs

  • There are a wide range of 出国留学 programs available during summer, 一月或春假期间.  The fees to participate in these programs will vary.  Participants are billed directly by the program and are responsible for paying all program fees and associated expenses.  Financial aid is typically NOT applicable to these programs.

Students are advised to meet with the Financial 援助 Office to better understand how their 金融援助 package may or may not apply to their semester abroad.


还有一些全国性的, 项目具体, or country-specific scholarships that can make 出国留学 more financially feasible, 特别是对美国来说.S. 接受助学金的学生.

  • Partner programs: 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 students are eligible to apply for scholarships through the College’s 出国留学 partners:
  • 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金:美国的一个项目.S. Department of State, this scholarship provides awards up to $5,000 during two cycles for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving federal Pell Grant funding at a 2-year or 4-year college or university to participate in 出国留学 programs worldwide.
  • Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarships: Committed to increasing the opportunities for American students to participate in rigorous education-abroad programs by reducing financial restriction, FEA offers scholarships during two cycles with award amounts up to $5,000.
  • 出国留学奖学金: 除了 to offering a range of scholarships each year for summer and semester programs, Go Overseas also offers 出国留学 scholarship guides.
  • Freeman-ASIA奖学金: Provides scholarship award up to $5,000 for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to 出国留学 in East or Southeast Asia.
  • Generation Study Abroad Excellence and Travel Awards (New Zealand):  Through Education New Zealand, students planning to 出国留学 in New Zealand can apply for $2,000 Travel Awards or $500 Excellence Awards during two 应用程序 cycles.